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An Emeryville that says

More Neighbors

We are in a regional housing shortage that has resulted in extremely high cost of living and a terrible surge in homelessness. I believe Emeryville needs to build more housing for all income levels to fight rising rents and displacement while maintaining strong tenant protections. 

I am proud that in 2018 Emeryville voters overwhelmingly supported one of the largest per capita affordable housing bonds in the state of California. I will help make sure that we get the most value out of the money that our voters trusted us with. 

More neighbors bring more vibrancy to our community and help fill vacant storefronts. Having more eyes on the street is also a boon for public safety.

Transit and Walkability

As a member of the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee, I have helped reimagine how we design and use our streets. I primarily commute by walking, biking, and transit, so I am deeply familiar with the challenges we face.

I strongly support the current city project to add transit lanes, protected bike lanes, and small parks along 40th and Shellmound. I am also a strong advocate for the San Pablo Ave redesign that will bring the thousands of people living along that corridor alternative ways to access downtown Oakland. 

As construction costs continue to reach new heights I will advocate for projects with bigger gains for smaller investments, much like our Doyle Street Greenway quick-build that used low cost materials to provide a calm, convenient route across the city for hundreds of people every day.

Our Environment

Emeryville’s history of toxic industrial uses, a congested freeway that divides our city in two, and a high risk of sea level rise present unique challenges. I will work to make better use of our limited land and further identify sites for urban greening, to ensure that all Emeryville residents have access to greenspace close to where they live. By creating strategic partnerships with housing developers, I will find ways to clean our toxic sites and enrich our community with more homes and park spaces.

Public Safety

A core pillar of a walkable urban city is that everyone has the ability to safely walk, shop, and ride transit, and ensure that children are able to comfortably bike to school on their own. 

I will work alongside our police department to build public trust and embrace new technologies such as automated license plate readers that track crime in a way that is less impacted by human biases.

Artists and Small Businesses

Our artist community is the backbone of our city, and I will prioritize construction of the Emeryville Center for the Arts to provide a proper space for artistic expression. I support the funding of playful and interactive art pieces in pedestrian spaces that give Emeryville its unique character.

Filling the numerous vacant storefronts around our city and ensuring the existing businesses have the support they need are the best ways to keep Emeryville vibrant and growing. I will focus on ways to increase accessibility, foot traffic, and safety for the businesses in our community.

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